Mustard and Mint Processing Facility – Historic Norfolk Link

New Mustard and Mint Processing Facility Retains Historic Norfolk Link


Condimentum was created by the English mustard growers and Norfolk mint growers who had previously supplied Colman’s of Norwich prior to the closure of the City’s iconic and long-established 165-year-old factory.  In collaboration with Unilever who now own the Colman’s brand, the Condimentum purpose-built facility, required to produce double super fine mustard and mint product was developed.


The new partnership with the local growers consortium Condimentum, has maintained this historic connection through the construction of a new green field site milling and mint processing plant at the Food Enterprise Park, Easton on the outskirts of the City of Norwich.


The newly developed facility has been designed and constructed on a green field site at Easton near to the ring road on the outskirts of Norwich creating the first development on the Food Enterprise Park.

T H WHITE Projects managed the engineering design, implementation of ground improvements and associated foundations as illustrated below which was fundamental to the success of the project.

We assumed the project roles of supporting Consultancy, Project Management and Seed Storage and Handling resulting in Condimentum in-house process capabilities of: Intake  –  Clean  –  Wash  –  Mill  –  Dry  –  Blend

Arriel shot of Condimentum site

Civil Engineering

- Geotechnical, ecological and archaeological desktop studies/surveys
- Infiltration testing and drainage
- Ground improvement and testing
- Structural foundation and testing
- Floor slab requirements for ground and upper floor machinery
- Roadway vehicle mapping
- Service duct design, specification for HV, LV
- Water, communications, gas and temporary services

Building and Structures

- Design support and engineering/erection of the building to suit process system layout
- Cater for high load (static and dynamic) production equipment
- Building materials and finishes specified for food production facility
- Design, integration and fabrication of secondary and tertiary steel structures
- Constructed building design incorporated approx. 250tonnes of fabricated steelwork

Condimentum building structure 2019
Condimentum site packing hall

Mechanical Engineering Intake, Storage and Drying Plant (6000t/annum)

Design, installation and commissioning of the following:
- Integration of the mechanical plant and equipment
- Fabrication machinery support and access structures
- Enclosed bulk intake, storage silos
- Specialised drying process and volumetric blending system
- Structures and associated handling equipment

Electrical Engineering and Compliance Handling

Design, installation and commissioning of the following:
- Implementation of HV supplies to the site
- Specification, supply, and installation of HV transforming equipment
- LV distribution and connection across the site
- Full site lighting schemes and small power distributions
- Category L1 fire alarm system throughout the building
- Multiple switch rooms located around facility
- System integration, PLC code and SCADA system for services, storage and handling equipment

Compliance handling of the whole project involves:
- Building, fire and water regulations, planning permission.
- Environmental and associated engineering
- Electrical, combustion processes and EA permitting
- Structural engineering and UKCA marking
- Machinery directive and ATEX requirements

Condimentum mustard seed silos
Condimentum milling equipment


The milling system for the new facility came from UK based, Satake Europe Ltd operating from their offices in Manchester.  They were responsible for the design, supply and installation of the Henry Simon Milling package in conjunction with T H WHITE Projects.

- In process seed storage
- Cleaning and preparation
- Milling and blending
- Flour storage
- Packing lines
- System control and data acquisition


Tonnes of Fabricated Steelwork used

6k t/annum

Intake, Storage & Drying Plant created

T H WHITE Projects Roles

– Project Consultant
– Project Management
– Seed Storage & Handling


Condimentum Ltd

Colmans Close

The Food Enterprise Park





In summary

This new facility has led to the following advantages/benefits:

  • Maintained the Historic Norwich link
  • Utilisation of local growers
  • Created focus and market share
  • Generated a quality brand with presence
  • Created demand and a platform to adapt with growth

If you want to know more about how we can provide storage and processing solutions for your business, speak to one of our expert advisors. We are always be happy to get you started and answer any questions you may have.

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